Source code for pantilthat.pantilt

from threading import Timer
import time
import atexit

PWM = 0
WS2812 = 1

RGB = 0
GRB = 1
RGBW = 2
GRBW = 3

[docs]class PanTilt: """PanTilt HAT Driver Communicates with PanTilt HAT over i2c to control pan, tilt and light functions """ REG_CONFIG = 0x00 REG_SERVO1 = 0x01 REG_SERVO2 = 0x03 REG_WS2812 = 0x05 REG_UPDATE = 0x4E UPDATE_WAIT = 0.03 NUM_LEDS = 24 def __init__(self, enable_lights=True, idle_timeout=2, # Idle timeout in seconds light_mode=WS2812, light_type=RGB, servo1_min=575, servo1_max=2325, servo2_min=575, servo2_max=2325, address=0x15, i2c_bus=None): self._idle_timeout = idle_timeout self._servo1_timeout = None self._servo2_timeout = None self._i2c_retries = 10 self._i2c_retry_time = 0.01 self._enable_servo1 = False self._enable_servo2 = False self._enable_lights = enable_lights self._light_on = 0 self._servo_min = [servo1_min, servo2_min] self._servo_max = [servo1_max, servo2_max] self._light_mode = light_mode self._light_type = light_type self.clear() self._i2c_address = address self._i2c = i2c_bus self._set_config() atexit.register(self._atexit) def _atexit(self): if self._servo1_timeout is not None: self._servo1_timeout.cancel() if self._servo2_timeout is not None: self._servo2_timeout.cancel() self._enable_servo1 = False self._enable_servo2 = False self._set_config()
[docs] def idle_timeout(self, value): """Set the idle timeout for the servos Configure the time, in seconds, after which the servos will be automatically disabled. :param value: Timeout in seconds """ self._idle_timeout = value
def _set_config(self): """Generate config value for PanTilt HAT and write to device.""" config = 0 config |= self._enable_servo1 config |= self._enable_servo2 << 1 config |= self._enable_lights << 2 config |= self._light_mode << 3 config |= self._light_on << 4 self._i2c_write_byte(self.REG_CONFIG, config) def _check_int_range(self, value, value_min, value_max): """Check the type and bounds check an expected int value.""" if type(value) is not int: raise TypeError("Value should be an integer") if value < value_min or value > value_max: raise ValueError("Value {value} should be between {min} and {max}".format( value=value, min=value_min, max=value_max)) def _check_range(self, value, value_min, value_max): """Check the type and bounds check an expected int value.""" if value < value_min or value > value_max: raise ValueError("Value {value} should be between {min} and {max}".format( value=value, min=value_min, max=value_max)) def _servo_us_to_degrees(self, us, us_min, us_max): """Converts pulse time in microseconds to degrees :param us: Pulse time in microseconds :param us_min: Minimum possible pulse time in microseconds :param us_max: Maximum possible pulse time in microseconds """ self._check_range(us, us_min, us_max) servo_range = us_max - us_min angle = (float(us - us_min) / float(servo_range)) * 180.0 return int(round(angle, 0)) - 90 def _servo_degrees_to_us(self, angle, us_min, us_max): """Converts degrees into a servo pulse time in microseconds :param angle: Angle in degrees from -90 to 90 """ self._check_range(angle, -90, 90) angle += 90 servo_range = us_max - us_min us = (servo_range / 180.0) * angle return us_min + int(us) def _servo_range(self, servo_index): """Get the min and max range values for a servo""" return (self._servo_min[servo_index], self._servo_max[servo_index]) def _i2c_write_block(self, reg, data): if type(data) is list: for x in range(self._i2c_retries): try: self._i2c.write_i2c_block_data(self._i2c_address, reg, data) return except IOError: time.sleep(self._i2c_retry_time) continue raise IOError("Failed to write block") else: raise ValueError("Value must be a list") def _i2c_write_word(self, reg, data): if type(data) is int: for x in range(self._i2c_retries): try: self._i2c.write_word_data(self._i2c_address, reg, data) return except IOError: time.sleep(self._i2c_retry_time) continue raise IOError("Failed to write word") def _i2c_write_byte(self, reg, data): if type(data) is int: for x in range(self._i2c_retries): try: self._i2c.write_byte_data(self._i2c_address, reg, data) return except IOError: time.sleep(self._i2c_retry_time) continue raise IOError("Failed to write byte") def _i2c_read_byte(self, reg): for x in range(self._i2c_retries): try: return self._i2c.read_byte_data(self._i2c_address, reg) except IOError: time.sleep(self._i2c_retry_time) continue raise IOError("Failed to read byte") def _i2c_read_word(self, reg): for x in range(self._i2c_retries): try: return self._i2c.read_word_data(self._i2c_address, reg) except IOError: time.sleep(self._i2c_retry_time) continue raise IOError("Failed to read byte")
[docs] def clear(self): """Clear the buffer.""" self._pixels = [0] * self.NUM_LEDS * 3 self._pixels += [1]
[docs] def light_mode(self, mode): """Set the light mode for attached lights. PanTiltHAT can drive either WS2812 or SK6812 pixels, or provide a PWM dimming signal for regular LEDs. * PWM - PWM-dimmable LEDs * WS2812 - 24 WS2812 or 18 SK6812 pixels """ self._light_mode = mode self._set_config()
[docs] def light_type(self, set_type): """Set the light type for attached lights. Set the type of lighting strip connected: * RGB - WS2812 pixels with RGB pixel order * RGB - WS2812 pixels with GRB pixel order * RGBW - SK6812 pixels with RGBW pixel order * GRBW - SK6812 pixels with GRBW pixel order """ self._light_type = set_type
[docs] def num_pixels(self): """Returns the supported number of pixels depending on light mode. RGBW or GRBW support 18 pixels RGB supports 24 pixels """ if self._light_type in [RGBW, GRBW]: return 18 return 24
[docs] def brightness(self, brightness): """Set the brightness of the connected LED ring. This only applies if light_mode has been set to PWM. It will be ignored otherwise. :param brightness: Brightness from 0 to 255 """ self._check_int_range(brightness, 0, 255) if self._light_mode == PWM: # The brightness value is taken from the first register of the WS2812 chain self._i2c_write_byte(self.REG_WS2812, brightness)
[docs] def set_all(self, red, green, blue, white=None): """Set all pixels in the buffer. :param red: Amount of red, from 0 to 255 :param green: Amount of green, from 0 to 255 :param blue: Amount of blue, from 0 to 255 :param white: Optional amount of white for RGBW and GRBW strips """ for index in range(self.num_pixels()): self.set_pixel(index, red, green, blue, white)
[docs] def set_pixel_rgbw(self, index, red, green, blue, white): """Set a single pixel in the buffer for GRBW lighting stick :param index: Index of pixel from 0 to 17 :param red: Amount of red, from 0 to 255 :param green: Amount of green, from 0 to 255 :param blue: Amount of blue, from 0 to 255 :param white: Amount of white, from 0 to 255 """ self.set_pixel(index, red, green, blue, white) self._pixels[index+3] = white
[docs] def set_pixel(self, index, red, green, blue, white=None): """Set a single pixel in the buffer. :param index: Index of pixel from 0 to 23 :param red: Amount of red, from 0 to 255 :param green: Amount of green, from 0 to 255 :param blue: Amount of blue, from 0 to 255 :param white: Optional amount of white for RGBW and GRBW strips """ self._check_int_range(index, 0, self.num_pixels() - 1) for color in [red, green, blue]: self._check_int_range(color, 0, 255) if white is not None: self._check_int_range(white, 0, 255) if self._light_type in [RGBW, GRBW]: index *= 4 if self._light_type == RGBW: self._pixels[index] = red self._pixels[index+1] = green self._pixels[index+2] = blue if self._light_type == GRBW: self._pixels[index] = green self._pixels[index+1] = red self._pixels[index+2] = blue if white is not None: self._pixels[index+3] = white else: index *= 3 if self._light_type == RGB: self._pixels[index] = red self._pixels[index+1] = green self._pixels[index+2] = blue if self._light_type == GRB: self._pixels[index] = green self._pixels[index+1] = red self._pixels[index+2] = blue
[docs] def show(self): """Display the buffer on the connected WS2812 strip.""" self._i2c_write_block(self.REG_WS2812, self._pixels[:32]) self._i2c_write_block(self.REG_WS2812 + 32, self._pixels[32:64]) self._i2c_write_block(self.REG_WS2812 + 64, self._pixels[64:]) self._i2c_write_byte(self.REG_UPDATE, 1)
[docs] def servo_enable(self, index, state): """Enable or disable a servo. Disabling a servo turns off the drive signal. It's good practise to do this if you don't want the Pan/Tilt to point in a certain direction and instead want to save power. :param index: Servo index: either 1 or 2 :param state: Servo state: True = on, False = off """ if index not in [1, 2]: raise ValueError("Servo index must be 1 or 2") if state not in [True, False]: raise ValueError("State must be True/False") if index == 1: self._enable_servo1 = state else: self._enable_servo2 = state self._set_config()
[docs] def servo_pulse_min(self, index, value): """Set the minimum high pulse for a servo in microseconds. :param value: Value in microseconds """ if index not in [1, 2]: raise ValueError("Servo index must be 1 or 2") self._servo_min[index-1] = value
[docs] def servo_pulse_max(self, index, value): """Set the maximum high pulse for a servo in microseconds. :param value: Value in microseconds """ if index not in [1, 2]: raise ValueError("Servo index must be 1 or 2") self._servo_max[index-1] = value
[docs] def get_servo_one(self): """Get position of servo 1 in degrees.""" us_min, us_max = self._servo_range(0) us = self._i2c_read_word(self.REG_SERVO1) return self._servo_us_to_degrees(us, us_min, us_max)
[docs] def get_servo_two(self): """Get position of servo 2 in degrees.""" us_min, us_max = self._servo_range(1) us = self._i2c_read_word(self.REG_SERVO1) return self._servo_us_to_degrees(us, us_min, us_max)
[docs] def servo_one(self, angle): """Set position of servo 1 in degrees. :param angle: Angle in degrees from -90 to 90 """ if not self._enable_servo1: self._enable_servo1 = True self._set_config() us_min, us_max = self._servo_range(0) us = self._servo_degrees_to_us(angle, us_min, us_max) self._i2c_write_word(self.REG_SERVO1, us) if self._idle_timeout > 0: if self._servo1_timeout is not None: self._servo1_timeout.cancel() self._servo1_timeout = Timer(self._idle_timeout, self._servo1_stop) self._servo1_timeout.daemon = True self._servo1_timeout.start()
def _servo1_stop(self): self._servo1_timeout = None self._enable_servo1 = False self._set_config()
[docs] def servo_two(self, angle): """Set position of servo 2 in degrees. :param angle: Angle in degrees from -90 to 90 """ if not self._enable_servo2: self._enable_servo2 = True self._set_config() us_min, us_max = self._servo_range(1) us = self._servo_degrees_to_us(angle, us_min, us_max) self._i2c_write_word(self.REG_SERVO2, us) if self._idle_timeout > 0: if self._servo2_timeout is not None: self._servo2_timeout.cancel() self._servo2_timeout = Timer(self._idle_timeout, self._servo2_stop) self._servo2_timeout.daemon = True self._servo2_timeout.start()
def _servo2_stop(self): self._servo2_timeout = None self._enable_servo2 = False self._set_config() pan = servo_one tilt = servo_two get_pan = get_servo_one get_tilt = get_servo_two